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So impressed with the fish.
Had wonderful hake last week, Sole tonight, Gorgeous! Would recommend it to everyone!

Sheree Cavanagh

Potts’ Sauce For Moules Marinieres 400g

Product information


Potts’ Sauce for Moules Marinieres is a wonderful combination of white wine, shallots, cream and a splash of brandy. This seafood classic is even great for poaching fish. Simply warm the sauce, add mussels, cover and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Serve with crusty bread – or Belgian-style with thin chips.

INGREDIENTS: Water, White Wine (17%) (Sulphites), Shallots (14%), Double Cream (14%) (Milk), Cornflour, Sunflower Oil, Brandy, Parsley, Salt, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Lemon Zest, Garlic, Sugar, White Pepper.

Suitable for vegetarians. Allergens: Sulphites and milk.
